Taylor Fox-Smith

Head of Community Partnerships (ANZ) at Airwallex

Leading community partnerships at Airwallex, Taylor’s energy for startups – the people who found them, build them and power them – is infinite. From a Series B PropTech through to a pre-seed ClimateTech, Taylor’s career in the startup ecosystem has led to her current role at Australian unicorn, Airwallex, where she champions the builder mindset as the lead of the Airwallex for Startups program. Today you’ll find her creating community spaces that supercharge and future-proof the innovators.

Sunrise Sessions

Community Meetups
Financial Foundations: What Your Future CFO Wishes You’d Set Up

In the early days, founders are the driving force behind everything in a startup - including the finance function. But what happens when your startup scales and it’s time to bring in a CFO? In this interactive meetup, three seasoned startup CFOs will share stories on what they wish their founders and CEOs had in place before they joined the team. This session is all about engagement. Expect a lively, hands-on discussion where the audience will have the chance to ask questions, share experiences, and brainstorm solutions alongside the CFOs. Together, we’ll tackle practical questions like: How do you create a finance function without formal training? What systems and processes should you set up now to avoid chaos later? And how can you lay the right financial groundwork so your CFO can hit the ground running post-Series A? This isn’t just theory - it’s a collaborative exchange designed to leave you with real-world, tactical steps to build a resilient financial foundation from day one. Proudly supported by our pals at Airwallex.

Community Meetups
Pitch Perfect: Refining Your Startup Story

Whether you’re gearing up to meet with investors or pitching to potential partners, a polished, persuasive elevator pitch is essential for every founder. In this dynamic meetup, three founders will take centre stage, delivering their elevator pitches to the community. The real magic happens next: with the help of a facilitator, the audience will dive in, offering insights, asking thought-provoking questions, and sharing recent pitching experiences.This is a hands-on, collaborative session designed to give you the tools to elevate your verbal pitch. You’ll leave with tactical advice on storytelling, structuring your pitch, handling tough questions, and keeping your audience engaged. Proudly supported by our pals at Airwallex.